Today is National Previvor Day. My daughter is a previvor. My late wife should have been one.
For more information about hereditary cancer awareness and prevention, go to
National Previvor Day
We Need to Change the Way We Talk About Hereditary Cancer
It's National Hereditary Cancer Week. It's time to speak up.
I will be brutally honest; my wife died an unbearably horrible death caused by a preventable cancer. Her untimely death happened because too many people, including health care professionals, were incapable of having a serious, mature conversation about a hereditary cancer risk with a family already devastated by several different cancers.
And my late wife is not the only person this has happened to. As an advocate, I have encountered many others whose lives have been devastated by a hereditary cancer diagnosis that could have been prevented.
Things need to change. Nobody should die of a preventable cancer. Nobody!
For more information about hereditary cancer go to :
The Language of Cancer and Drawing a Picture
"Since every cancer is different, the terms used to describe it and the
available treatments almost requires a professional interpreter to help
make sense of it all. And hereditary cancer also has its own distinct
terminology, which adds even more to the already extensive cancer
This cartoon was created to go along with my latest article for Cure Today about the unique language of cancer and having to learn it on-the-fly as a caregiver.
Hereditary Cancer Week / Previvor Day 2023
Get the latest Hereditary Cancer Week Poster Here.
Since hereditary cancer encompasses so many different
cancers, there really isn’t a ribbon or universal symbol for it. So I created
my own and made this poster for Hereditary Cancer Week / Previvor Day 2023.
For more information and links to hereditary cancer
organizations and resources, go to
And, if anyone is interested, the poster PDF can be downloaded there as well.
#LynchSyndrome #GeneticTesting #previvor #HereditaryCancerSyndromes #HereditaryCancer #GeneticCounseling
#BRCA2 #BRCA1 #CHEK2 #ATM #PALB2 #PTEN #MLH1 #MSH2 #MSH6 #TP53 #KnowledgeIsPower #1FORCECommunity #FacingOurRisk #CancerAdvocate #CancerPrevention #CancerCaregiving #HBOC
#HereditaryCancer #HereditaryCancerWeek #HBOC
Cancer Anger and Reading Between the Lines
Here's the link to the rest of the story:
(You should have seen the parts of this article I wrote about anger and cancer for Cure Today that I edited out.)
#cancer #HereditaryCancer #anger #BRCA2 #previvor #GeneticMutations #HIPAA