
How to Share Genetic Mutation Information

I believe very strongly in the Duty to Warn when there is any danger to the life of another person. And that includes sharing information about genetic mutations and potential cancer risks.

Unfortunately, there are medical privacy laws that hinder the sharing of genetic information among family members. That leaves the task to family members who might be unsure of how to approach other genetic relatives about a difficult and complex subject.

materials for sharing information about a genetic muation with other genetic relatives
Sharing information about genetic mutations with relatives who may have inherited the same mutation and who may be at risk of cancer can be a complicated task. It is not an “Oh, by the way.” subject. It requires specific information to help relatives make informed choices and to help them to navigate an often-difficult health care system.

I became a hereditary cancer prevention advocate because those who knew about a BRCA2 mutation in my late wife’s family did not openly and honestly talk about it. Tragically, they did not share the specific information that was needed to prevent her hereditary cancer diagnosis and untimely death.

So as an advocate, I have created a page where I have assembled materials that will help with the task of sharing the most important information with those who might be at risk. Breaking the cycle of hereditary cancer in families starts with open and honest communication.

Knowledge is power!

Here is a link to the page: https://genetionary.org/gene_share/